
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Live, Laugh but most of all LOVE

Life is brief to say the least. Things really can change in the blink of an eye. This summer has been about enjoying the small joys in life for me. It has opened my eyes to falling in love with everything around me. We live such fast-paced lives that sometimes we forget to stop and really relish in our surroundings. This post is dedicated to some of the small things that I love and some of the big things that we often forget to notice.

5. Soft surroundings...
Whether its a bed full of soft beautiful pillows or the grass beneath your feet, I love soft things. There is nothing like running your fingers through your dog's coat or the soft touch of the person you love. And let's not forget the joy of fresh, soft, clean bath towels after a hot shower.

4. Things that smell yummy....

No matter where I go, I always try to find something that smells yummy. Soft clean hair and skin is probably my favorite thing to smell. As everyone on earth knows my favorite scent is anything coconut! I must also say the smell of apple pie baking, fresh flowers and clean clothes are top on my list.

3. Food that alters life...

There is no picture in the world that can do justice to what I am talking about. When I say "food that alters life", I mean food that changes the way you think or feel or exists. We speed through meals in front of the TV on most nights. Meals that make you slow down, enjoy company, and delight in the sensation of taste are few and far between. This is the kind of food I love to celebrate. We should love our food thoroughly and passionately until the very last bite.

2. Adventures to far off lands...

There never seems to be enough time to explore the world. Whether its just picnicking at the local park or taking a 2,000 mile road trip, we need to get out more. Take in the sights of everything around us. We have been given this one body, with wonderful senses, to help us enjoy new places and all their wonder. Take the time, spend the money, enjoy a trip out of town every once in a while. We don't get a redo in this life, so don't miss out on this beautiful world we call home.

1. People to love....

I love being in love. There are plenty of things to love on earth, but loving the people in my life is by far my favorite kind of love. Whether those people are your family, your pets, your friends, or strangers you have never met, make it a point to show someone love today. Love is often misconstrued as agreeing on something, having the same belief or complying to what your loved one asks of you. This is not love at all. To me love is simple. You do it unconditionally, even when you don't agree. You do it because you can't help yourself. You do it when its hard. You love even when you aren't receiving that love in return. When you open your heart and love even when it hurts, you become a better person and you will change the lives of the people you are sharing that love with. Tell them often, daily even. Tell the people that mean the most to you just how much they mean. I forget sometimes to say it, but its important. You never know when it could be your last chance to say those three little words.

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